
How Can an Angioplasty Diet Chart Help You?

After undergoing angioplasty, you need to follow a heart-healthy diet. This will reduce your risk of heart problems and heart failure. A healthy diet after angioplasty includes whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Prebiotic Benefiber

Why Is Prebiotic Benefiber Important?

Both Benefiber and Metamucil are soluble fiber supplements that increase the bulk of stool, leading to more regular and comfortable bowel movements. However, they differ slightly in their ingredients and functions. Probiotics promote healthy bacteria

How to Take the Headache Out of NOW INULIN

Migraines are a chronic condition, but making some simple lifestyle changes can help ease the symptoms and decrease the number of migraines you experience. One great way to do this is by consuming more fiber,

Why Should You Choose Garden of Life Prebiotic Fiber?

Garden of Life Prebiotic Fiber While dietary fiber is essential for good health, many Americans don’t get enough. Prebiotic fiber nourishes and feeds the probiotics already living in your gut. Dr. Perlmutter’s Organic Fiber is

What Is AXOS FIBER and How Does It Work?

Arabinoxylans and AXOS fiber stimulate the gut microbiome and impact its metabolic answer, supporting gut health. They also promote a stronger immune response, protecting against oxidative stress and chronic diseases. Metabolic investigations using the SHIME

Gogo Prebiotic

What Are the Benefits of Using Gogo Prebiotic?

Prebiotics are like fertilizer for the bacteria in your gut, and they nourish them as they do their work. They’re also linked to better digestion, a stronger immune system, and higher mineral absorption. Unlike probiotics,

Fried Beans

The Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Fried Beans

Beans are a boon for our gut, feeding the good bacteria that help with digestion and vitamin production. They are also rich in minerals like iron, potassium, zinc and magnesium. They’re naturally fat-free and cfpholesterol-free