Franklin Health and Fitness Group Exercise Schedule

Are you ready to embark on a journey toward better health and fitness? Look no further than the Franklin Health and Fitness Group Exercise Schedule! Our comprehensive schedule is designed to cater to individuals of all fitness levels, offering a wide range of group exercise classes that are not only effective but also fun and engaging.

Group exercise is a fantastic way to stay committed to your fitness goals while enjoying the camaraderie of like-minded individuals. At Franklin Health and Fitness, we understand the importance of having a supportive community that encourages you to push your limits and achieve your best.

Franklin Health and Fitness

Benefits of Group Exercise

Motivation and Accountability

Joining a group exercise class provides the motivation you need to stay consistent with your workouts. When you work out alongside others, you’re more likely to stay committed and give your best effort.

Social Interaction

Exercise doesn’t have to be a solitary endeavor. Our group classes foster a sense of community, allowing you to make friends and connect with fellow participants who share your interests.

Varied Workout Routines

Boredom is not an option with our diverse range of classes. Each session brings a new and exciting workout routine, ensuring that you’re constantly challenged and engaged.

Our Diverse Class Offerings

Cardio Blast

Get your heart pumping and your body moving with our Cardio Blast class. This high-energy session combines dynamic cardio exercises to improve your cardiovascular fitness and burn calories.

Strength Training Circuit

Build strength, tone your muscles, and enhance your metabolism with our Strength Training Circuit class. This class incorporates resistance exercises targeting different muscle groups for a full-body workout.

Yoga and Mindfulness

Find balance and serenity in our Yoga and Mindfulness class. Perfect for reducing stress and improving flexibility, this class focuses on connecting the mind, body, and breath.

Dance Fusion

If you love to dance, you’ll love our Dance Fusion class. Combining dance styles from various cultures, this class provides a fun and rhythmic way to burn calories and express yourself.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Experience the power of HIIT in our class designed to boost your cardiovascular fitness and torch calories. Alternating between intense bursts of exercise and rest, this class delivers maximum results in a shorter time.

Cycling Adventures

Embark on a cycling journey with our Cycling Adventures class. Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or new to spinning, this class offers an exhilarating way to improve your cardio fitness and leg strength.

Class Schedule and Timings

Our class schedule is thoughtfully crafted to accommodate various time preferences. Morning, afternoon, and evening sessions are available, allowing you to choose the times that align with your daily routine.

How to Join a Class

Joining a group exercise class at Franklin Health and Fitness is simple. All you need to do is sign up for a membership, browse our class schedule, and reserve your spot in the class of your choice.

Safety and Guidelines

Your safety is our top priority. Our experienced instructors ensure that each class is conducted with proper techniques and precautions. We also encourage participants to listen to their bodies and work at their own pace.


Discover the power of group exercise and take your fitness journey to new heights with the Franklin Health and Fitness Group Exercise Schedule. Whether you’re aiming to boost your cardiovascular fitness, build strength, or simply have fun while working out, our diverse range of classes has something for everyone. Join us today and experience the joy of exercising in a supportive and motivating community.

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